Weekend Worship During Lent
Lent is a time when Christians traditionally join with Jesus on pilgrimage, going with him on his way to Jerusalem and all that awaits him there. One of the realities of his journey is that it made Jesus’ followers, others around him, and on occasion, Jesus himself, very anxious. Jesus' constant talk about dying greatly unsettled his supporters. His constant talk about God overthrowing and revamping the way Judaism was practiced greatly unsettled the Jewish religious leaders. Speaking such unsettling truths also proved to be stressful and anxiety producing for Jesus himself.
The most recent conflict at St. Lucas grew out of, and was intensified by, the anxiety experienced individually as well as corporately within the congregation. An important aspect of interim-time work will be seeking ways to lessen the congregation’s systemic anxiety. Reduced anxiety will help Council and committees, members/friends, staff, and all the other less-formal pieces of the congregation grow less paralyzed. Through becoming less-anxious, hopefully all can begin to function again in more emotionally healthy ways. But, to be clear, becoming less-anxious as individuals, and less-anxious as a congregation, is ongoing work, that belongs to everyone.
Lent provides the opportunity to better understand what makes us anxious. Lent also invites us to learn to be less anxious, and practice emotional skill-building – with the goal of the St. Lucas community growing to be the emotionally healthy, faithfully vibrant congregation that we all want it to be.
The Gospel message is always one of ultimate hope! God does not abandon us to our anxiety. God instead promises to always be present with us. Easter resurrection invites us beyond Lenten anxiety to God’s new possibilities. Yet, Lent reminds us, that there is no straight line from anxiety to Resurrection. Instead, there is always a journey through which we have the opportunity for new learning, personal growth, growth as a congregation, the death of bad habits and destructive patterns of behavior, and – in the end – the overwhelming gift of love, in which we are invited to embrace new ways of living, acting, and believing to the glory of God!
Resource: Ronald W. Richardson – Creating a Healthier Church: Family Systems Theory, Leadership, and Congregational Life.
Wednesday Nights During Lent
Dates & Times of Special Services
April 9th - Maundy Thursday
Worship & Communion at 7 PM*
April 10th - Good Friday
Prayer Vigil from 9 AM - 11 AM
Worship at Noon and 7 PM*
April 11th - Holy Saturday
Easter Egg Hunt at 9 AM
No Worship
April 12th - Easter Sunday
Worship at 8 AM (Contemporary); 9 AM* and 11 AM* (Traditional)
*Childcare available
Last year, many of us were surprised to learn that Mr. Rogers was an ordained minister. This year, I suspect many of us will be surprised to learn that C.S. Lewis was not. Join us for a Lenten journey inspired by Lewis' prolific works and Christian theology.
Wednesday Night Dinners & Worship: March 11 - April 1
Meals will be served from 5:30 - 6:15 PM in the Social Hall, then we will move to the Sanctuary to watch clips from the film, The Chronicles of Narnia and to spend a time of reflection together at 6:30 PM.
Volunteer to help and/or RSVP for dinner by signing up on the bulletin board in the Welcome Center!
Please RSVP for each meal by the weekend before, in order to ensure that we are good stewards of our finances and so that we have enough food for everyone! A free-will offering will be collected at each meal and a donation of $5/per person is suggested.
If you'd like to become familiar with the story ahead of time, you can read the book, watch the movie, or watch the TV series!
Wednesday Nights During Lent
Women's Book Study
In late 1956, an item in the Times of London stunned England's literary set. Confirmed bachelor and celebrated Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis, announced his marriage to Joy Gresham. His choice could not have been more unlikely. Joy was American, a divorcee, an ex-communist, and a former atheist.
Yet, this extraordinary and fascinating woman made a great impact on Lewis and his writings in the short time they had together.
On Monday, March 30th, at 7 PM all women are invited to tea and a book discussion of “And God Came In” by Lyle W. Dorsett. We will gather at Jill Meyer's house (12763 Weber Hill Rd.) to talk about this interesting woman’s progression from a bohemian, to a communist, to a committed Christian.
Feel free to invite others to join in. The book is available for purchase on many sites. Please add your name to the sign up sheet in the Welcome Center if you are planning to attend. For any questions or additional information contact Michele Ottinger at mottinger@stlucasucc.org.
Wednesday Nights During Lent
Annual Event
Save the Date and Prepare your Family! The St. Lucas Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 9 AM – 11:30 AM. We are expecting a fantastic turnout again this year and would like everyone in the congregation to help support this great event. The Easter Egg Hunt is for all ages, including adults!
We have 3 simple requests and are hopeful you can help us out:
1. We are looking for donations, this could include any of the following...
a. Filled plastic eggs
b. Toys for prizes
c. Gift cards for prizes ($5-10)
d. Monetary donations to help with the expenses.
2. If you are interested in helping, please sign up on the bulletin board!
3. Let your friends and family know about the Hunt! Everyone is welcome.
As in years past, we are asking all attendees to bring a donation for the Little Free Pantry. Please feel free to contact Russ Cottle (rcottle3@hotmail.com) or Stacy Tylka (stylka@charter.net) with any questions.
Women's Book Study
In late 1956, an item in the Times of London stunned England's literary set. Confirmed bachelor and celebrated Christian apologist, C.S. Lewis, announced his marriage to Joy Gresham. His choice could not have been more unlikely. Joy was American, a divorcee, an ex-communist, and a former atheist.
Yet, this extraordinary and fascinating woman made a great impact on Lewis and his writings in the short time they had together.
On Monday, March 30th, at 7 PM all women are invited to tea and a book discussion of “And God Came In” by Lyle W. Dorsett. We will gather at Jill Meyer's house (12763 Weber Hill Rd.) to talk about this interesting woman’s progression from a bohemian, to a communist, to a committed Christian.
Feel free to invite others to join in. The book is available for purchase on many sites. Please add your name to the sign up sheet in the Welcome Center if you are planning to attend.
Wednesday Nights During Lent
Annual Event
Save the Date and Prepare your Family! The St. Lucas Easter Egg Hunt is scheduled for Saturday, April 11, 2020 from 9 AM – 11:30 AM. We are expecting a fantastic turnout again this year and would like everyone in the congregation to help support this great event. The Easter Egg Hunt is for all ages, including adults!
We have 3 simple requests and are hopeful you can help us out:
1. We are looking for donations, this could include any of the following...
a. Filled plastic eggs
b. Toys for prizes
c. Gift cards for prizes ($5-10)
d. Monetary donations to help with the expenses.
2. If you are interested in helping, please sign up on the bulletin board!
3. Let your friends and family know about the Hunt! Everyone is welcome.
As in years past, we are asking all attendees to bring a donation for the Little Free Pantry.
Clothing Drive
Fill the wardrobe in the Welcome Center with new socks and underwear - all sizes - to share with our mission partners!