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God's Creatures

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Join us for worship this weekend at St. Lucas as we celebrate God's other creatures: the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, the cattle and the creeping things too! Every worship service will offer God our praise for the goodness of his creatures, as we engage with the text Genesis 1:20-30.

Building New Foundations

Sunday, September 22, 2019

During last weekend’s sermon, I spoke about centripetal force, this being a force that is center-seeking. Mission, the sharing of our gifts, has a centripetal aspect to it. The Spirit is a center-seeking force, drawing the church and her gifts inward for the serving, equipping, and building up of the Body itself.


This weekend we will consider centrifugal force, that is a force that goes outward. Mission, the sharing of our gifts, has a centrifugal aspect as well. The Spirit moves through us and calls us to share our gifts with the wider community and world, as well, calling the church to the true worship of God: participating in God’s transformative, redemptive, and restorative work. Let’s gather together and consider what Isaiah 58: 6-12 has to say to us about this subject at this particular moment in our congregational journey.

CLICK HERE for a transcript of this week's sermon.

CLICK HERE for this week's Discussion Guide.

Building Up the Body

Sunday, September 15, 2019

For the next couple of weeks, we are continuing to explore the theme of gifts; the idea that God has given us all gifts, but why? This week we will explore Ephesians 4: 1-16, in which the author suggests that the gifts we possess are God’s way of moving through us to build up the Body of Christ itself. I hope you’ll join us this weekend as we think about what this text has to say to us about how God might have us use and share our gifts as one community of faith.

CLICK HERE for a transcript of this week's sermon.

CLICK HERE for this week's Discussion Guide.

Interrupted Announcements for Celebration Sunday

Sunday, September 08, 2019

We had a special delivery on Celebration Sunday! (We get interrupted after about 4 and a half minutes!)

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