Here are some of the many thoughtful answers to the questions shared during this sermon series. Thank
you so much for allowing yourself to be vulnerable and open to this dialogical format. Growing together in faith means sharing together!
How do you describe/explain/experience God?
All encompassing; all knowing love. Bigger than my ability to grasp.
All powerful with a warped sense of humor.
God is with me all the time; it’s like He surrounds me in His presence, love and understanding. When I pray to Him, I feel like I am talking to my best friend. He is there in everything I do.
”How Great Thou Art.”
What is the church? How do you define/explain it?
A community of believers in Christ our Savior who gather for worship and who also must outreach to bring others to Him.
A place of safety spiritually.
The Church is the Body of Christ on earth.
Community of believers centered in faith in Christ!
The battery that charges me!
Church is the people of Christ. We are commissioned to “go & do.”