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St. Lucas UCC Love


Happy February! We asked members of our congregation what they love about our church community.

Here are some of their answers:

"I love seeing St. Lucas people share their time and talent in a variety of ways inside and outside of our walls. I see St. Lucas people that care for other people, care for the facilities, help with mission projects, teach, lead, create displays and events, cook, sing, and worship together. Oh, and I love being part of it!"

-Joy Dressel

"The ministry and the fellowship among the volunteers when a project needs to get done. The church people act together and accomplish much!"

-Carl Heine

"I love the sincere friendliness of everyone and their enthusiasm on supporting various mission works . Every Sunday I really appreciate our Adult Education...I like to call it a discussion group. We have fun and learn to think outside the box....there are no right answers."

-Karen Litzsinger

"Having been on staff at St. Lucas UCC for 18 years, I have seen ups and downs in the church but one thing that has remained consistent has been the acceptance of children as part of the church community. How special is it to hear a young child call St. Lucas 'their church?' Last week during social hour I saw one child come up to another and ask him to come be part of a game of hide and seek. Together they ran off laughing and giggling. What better example of church than to hear the laughter of young children ringing through the building?"

-Michele Ottinger

"I love the freedom to live my own, personal, faith journey and the opportunity to listen and learn about my fellow congregants own, unique experiences."

-Marty Schmidt

"I love that St Lucas UCC sees Adult Education as an important part of our faith journeys, and it happens on Sunday mornings. The discussions and social connections that we make are priceless!"

-Carolyn Schwarz

"I love the sense of community our St. Lucas UCC family has and the support we show for each other. I also love that we are forward thinking about continuing become more relevant in our society and how we can live into our mission to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community, serving others and positively impacting lives."

-Sue Simmons

"All of my {non-biological} FAMILY is here. ♥️"

-Barbara Smith

"St. Lucas UCC is my family…family I’ve known for 30 years or 6 months. When a member of the family needs something, whether it be a ride to an appointment, a freezer meal, maybe a meal train after surgery, or perhaps a prayer and a phone call to 'check-in,' a member of the family does what is needed! I am grateful and blessed to be a part of the St. Lucas UCC family. "

-Pat Stephens

"St. Lucas has for many years been my home away from home. The acceptance, friendships, and numerous ways to share time and talents has made my life more meaningful."

-Linda Taylor

"One of the reasons I love St. Lucas is because it embraces the best of the past like meaningful Sunday worship, children’s educational programs, confirmation, youth’s summer work camps, adult Bible study, caring ministries and marches forward into the 21st century incorporating modern technical advances and accomplishing its missional goals. St. Lucas has also offered me wonderful opportunities to grow intellectually, emotionally, socially, and spiritually by serving Caring Ministries, Preparation for Ministry Committee at the Conference level, Church Council, Bell Choir, Vacation Bible School, plus participating in Adult Study, Women’s Retreats at Camp Moval, and world- wide travel to Israel, Egypt, Turkey, Greece, and Africa.

The old hymn, says it best: “Because I Have Been Given Much, I Too Must Give, not dutifully, but joyfully, of my time, talents, and treasures. However, it’s the pastors and members of St. Lucas including also the E&R/UCC connection, who have shown their love, extended numerous kindnesses, and support throughout my entire 88 years of living, that I cherish most and will be always forever grateful."

-Juanita Wagner

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