I began the new year in a wonderful way - I am now officially at St. Lucas UCC as your halftime Associate Minister of Pastoral Care and Visitation. Here is how I initially plan to spend my time:
Meeting individually with members and friends of the congregation to get to know you better and hopefully be of help in a number of ways: listening to concerns, praying together, being open to whatever you might like to talk about, maybe just enjoying a visit together to ease a sense of loneliness or frustration.
Spending time at Friendship Village getting to know residents there and hoping to lead Bible studies, perhaps share meals together, and be available to anyone who would like to meet individually with me (for the possible reasons listed in 1) above.
Asking for your assistance as to who I might contact to see if they would like a pastoral visit. Pastors aren't always aware of who may be in need of, or might appreciate a visit or prayers, etc. Please remember that this kind of caring ministry is not just for those who are sick or dying or elderly. I would appreciate hearing from you if you have a suggestion of someone for me to contact, and remember that it is also quite appropriate to tell me that the someone is YOU.
Let me assure all of you that when I visit with someone I adhere to a strict code of confidentiality. What someone shares with me will stay solely between us unless he/she gives permission for me to share it with others.
The best ways to contact me are:
314-807-0700 for calls and texts
I am honored and very happy to be among you again as a pastor. I ask God to guide me in my work and to abundantly bless St. Lucas UCC through this new ministry.
Rev. Janet Pillman (Pastor Janet)